
Digital Marketing

3 tools to evaluate your website

Trying to generate more qualified leads?

Need to improve your lead conversion rate?

Want to increase awareness of your business?

Your website is key to all of these. It has to look good, but there’s more to it than this. A lot of information is hidden in the backend of your site. At Hop Skip Marketing, one of the first things we do for clients is run tests on their website to see what, if anything, needs to be fixed. These tests tell us how the site performs overall, is it “Google friendly” (aka search engine optimization, or SEO), does it look good on a smartphone? Today we’re sharing some our favourite free website audit tools so that you can ensure your website is doing its job.

3 free tools to audit your website

Website Grader
This is one of our go-to tools. All you have to do is submit your website address and email and you’ll get a robust report and grade. Expect key metrics like page load speed, mobile friendliness and security. 


Another excellent tool, Nibbler provides you with a report on several key metrics including accessibility, SEO, social media and technology. It gives you an at-a-glance grade out of 10 so you can prioritize your fix-it list.


WooRank is a fast, easy-to-use SEO audit and digital marketing tool. They look at your site through Google’s eyes and generate an instant audit of your site’s technical, on-page and off-page SEO.



Any one of these free tools will give you insight you can’t otherwise ascertain. Pick one tool, or try a couple and compare the results. Once you’ve pinpointed what isn’t working well, you can prioritize the repairs and hand the tasks to your website designer to address. Don’t be daunted— often minor changes are all that’s needed to turn around a failing website grade. Run this test once a year to keep your website running like a well-oiled (marketing) machine. 

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